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Category: Best Advance in Learning Management Measurement/Business Impact

Category: Best Advance in AI and Machine Learning

Category: Best Advance in Content Management Technology (CMT)

Category: Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology

Category: Best Advance in Learning Management Measurement/Business Impact Tools
Entry Title: Songbird – AI-Powered Learning Analytics Suite

Category: Best Advance in Emerging Learning Technology
Entry Title: Shuttle – AI-Powered Video Engine for Learning

Category: Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology
Entry Title: Simpatico – Modern Learning template experiences and API
About Us
We seek impact in our work, not just profit
Authentic is a specialist agency – a global team of people who love education tech.
Authentic FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Will it work with any LMS?
Yes, our content engines launch from any standards-compliant LMS (SCORM, LTI, AICC)
Do you have APIs?
Yes, you can use existing APIs to launch our engines to seamlessly integrate with your platforms.
What's the implementation process?
Our course players simply launch from any LMS using SCORM, AICC, or LTI standards. Our advanced reporting suite will require time to map data sources – this work can be done within a month.
Can you help us migrate courses?
Yes, we have a global team of media experts who are comfortable with major authoring tools. We can assist in conversion into our own engines, plus into major tools like Articulate and Captivate.
Do you track xAPI data?
Yes, our video player triggers and tracks xAPI events with each video session.
What is your pricing model?
Audience-based pricing based on active number of participants using the platforms.
Can I use your platform without an LMS?
Yes! Some programs just require a launch from a web portal or other non-LMS experience. This is made possible with a few configuration options.
Do you have an LRS?
Yes, our Songbird Analytics suite has a built-in Learning Record Store to hold xAPI data.